What is BASIX?

BASIX is short for Building Sustainability Index. It was introduced by the NSW Government to ensure that homes are designed to use less potable water and be more energy efficient. To do this, it sets targets for houses and units.
BASIX is an online tool (www.basix.nsw.gov.au) where a user can create a BASIX Certificate by entering information about location, size, building construction, windows, landscaping, appliances and much more. Anyone can complete the forms, however only an accredited assessor can undertake a thermal performance assessment using computer simulation. Such a simulation is required for multiple unit projects and highly recommended for single dwelling sunless very simple.

What is NatHERS?

NatHERS is the nationwide house energy rating scheme. It sets national standards for professionals offering assessment services and the software used. The Association of Building Sustainability Assessors (ABSA) and the Building Designers Association of Victoria (BDAV) accredits assessors under the NatHERS protocol. A house energy rating is often referred to as a NatHERS assessment.

Gradwell Consulting uses the approved software BERS Pro Plus for residential assessment.

What is a Section J report?

The energy efficiency requirements for a Class 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 building (commercial) is defined by Section J of Volume One of the National Construction Code (NCC) or Building Code of Australia (BCA). In most jurisdictions, a report describing compliance with Section J is required before a construction certificate is issued.

Gradwell Consulting prepares Section J Compliance Reports using both deemed-to-satisfy (DTS) and verification using a reference building (JV3) methodologies.

How do I get a quote?

Email the preliminary drawings (PDF format preferred) to info@gradwellconsulting.com and we will prepare a fixed price fee proposal describing the scope of work, timeframe and cost.

How much will it cost?

The time required to prepare an energy assessment varies based on the type of assessment, size of project and its complexity.

Contact Gradwell Consulting for a free no obligation fee proposal for your project.

How do I select an assessor?

The assessor you select should:

  • Be accredited as this ensures minimum standards, a mandatory professional development program, a code of practice and regular audits to uphold quality.
  • Have several years energy rating experience as it takes many months to become proficient.
  • Undertake at least 40 assessments each year – part timers find it hard to stay current.
  • Have worked on similar projects to yours.
  • Have an engineering or building industry background.
  • Have adequate professional indemnity insurance ($1 million for small projects; up to $5 million for large projects).
  • Have details of recent projects and referees available.

Principal David Gradwell is a BDAV accredited assessor (12/1451); has been in business since 2007; undertakes more than 150 assessments annually; has assessed projects from home additions to 100+ unit developments and has a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil, Honours).

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